The report provides the power to use consumer intelligent analytic and business data to optimize your portfolio’s performance. Information includes:
- At-a-glance view of the health of your overall portfolio
- Activation, engagement, and income ratio scores benchmark against a peer group of similar-sized credit unions
Activation Rate
Ratio of Debit Active Cards and Open Cards for each month. This is calculated monthly based on the past 12 months.
- Open Account - External Status is normal, Internal Status is normal
- Debit Active - Sale or cash advance that debits the cardholder’s account balance
- Ratio - Debit Active / Open Accounts
Engagement Score
Percentage of cards that have averaged 6 or more transactions per month over the past 6 months or held an average balance of at least 50% of their credit line. This would be calculated when the date is available for 6 months only.
- Total Accounts - Excludes Bankrupt, Closed, and Charged Off accounts
- Qualifying Accounts - Averaged 6 or more sale transactions per month over 6 months and balance percent of credit line less than or equal to 50%
- Ratio - Qualifying Accounts / Total Accounts
Income Ratio
Ratio of (Net Income = Interest + Interchange + Fees - Charge Offs) and Average Balances. This is calculated monthly based on past 12 months.
- Interchange is calculated as (LS Sales - LS Returns)*0.0180
Note: Monthly score is updated and available in Springboard
Platform: Credit on Credit
Frequency: Monthly Report
How to Access:
- Select Search All Your Dynamic Reports.
- In the Filter by Report Category field, type in "Management Reporting."
- Select Catalyst Portfolio Health Score.
- Click on Run Report.
- Select required field:
6. Click on View Report.