Dynamic Reports

Catalyst Portfolio Health Score

The report provides the power to use consumer intelligent analytic and business data to optimize your portfolio’s performance. Information includes:

  • At-a-glance view of the health of your overall portfolio
  • Activation, engagement, and income ratio scores benchmark against a peer group of similar-sized credit unions

Activation Rate

Ratio of Debit Active Cards and Open Cards for each month. This is calculated monthly based on the past 12 months.

  • Open Account - External Status is normal, Internal Status is normal
  • Debit Active - Sale or cash advance that debits the cardholder’s account balance
  • Ratio - Debit Active / Open Accounts

Engagement Score

Percentage of cards that have averaged 6 or more transactions per month over the past 6 months or held an average balance of at least 50% of their credit line. This would be calculated when the date is available for 6 months only.

  • Total Accounts - Excludes Bankrupt, Closed, and Charged Off accounts
  • Qualifying Accounts - Averaged 6 or more sale transactions per month over 6 months and balance percent of credit line less than or equal to 50%
  • Ratio - Qualifying Accounts / Total Accounts

Income Ratio

Ratio of (Net Income = Interest + Interchange + Fees - Charge Offs) and Average Balances. This is calculated monthly based on past 12 months.

  • Interchange is calculated as (LS Sales - LS Returns)*0.0180
Note: Monthly score is updated and available in Springboard


Platform: Credit on Credit

Frequency: Monthly Report


How to Access:

  1. Select Search All Your Dynamic Reports.
  2. In the Filter by Report Category field, type in "Management Reporting."
  3. Select Catalyst Portfolio Health Score.
  4. Click on Run Report.
  5. Select required field:
  • Month

      6. Click on View Report.



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