This monthly report displays number of accounts and dollar amounts delinquent in each cycle for all programs. The data on this report is adjusted to be actual days delinquent, not FD days.
Note: The delinquent days value is calculated as follows- (FD delinquent days minus 30 days)- to be more in line with credit bureau reporting. The reason for this change is because FD calculates delinquency based on the statement date and not the actual due date, which is a more positive indicator of what cardholders are in a delinquent status.
Platform: Credit on Credit
Frequency: Monthly Report
How to Access:
- Select Search All Your Dynamic Reports.
- In the Filter by Report Category field, type in "Collections/Delinquency Reporting."
- Click on Credit Bureau Delinquent Account Totals.
- Click on Run Report.
- Select required field:
- Click on View Report.