Dynamic Reports

Delinquency Analysis Report

This daily report allows the FI to evaluate the delinquency level of your portfolio.

The following information displays on this report:

  • Delinquent dollar amount
  • Number of days the cardholder is delinquent
  • Date of the last payment and amount
  • Minimum payment
  • Cycles delinquent
Note: The delinquent days value is calculated as follows- (FD delinquent days minus 30 days)- to be more in line with credit bureau reporting. The reason for this change is because FD calculates delinquency based on the statement date and not the actual due date, which is a more positive indicator of what cardholders are in a delinquent status.


Platform: Credit on Credit

Frequency: Daily Report


How to Access:

  1. Select Search All Your Dynamic Reports.
  2. In the Filter by Report Category field, type in "Collections/Delinquency Reporting."
  3. Click on Delinquency Analysis Report.
  4. Click on Run Report.
  5. Select required field:
  • External status
  • Days delinquent (1 to 150)
  • Month - Year
  • Internal status
  1. Select optional fields:
  • Amount delinquent (1 to 50,000)
  1. Click on View Report.


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