Dynamic Reports

Sales Summary Report

This is a daily report that allows the user to view number of accounts, net sales, net cash advances, net payments, net returns, and outstanding balances by date.

Platform: Credit on Credit

Frequency: Daily Report


How to Access:

  1. Select Search All Your Dynamic Reports.
  2. In the Filter by Report Category field, type in "Management Reporting."
  3. Select Sales Summary Report.
  4. Click on Run Report.
  5. Select required fields:
  • Reporting month
  • Card type
  1. Click on View Report.




Field Descriptions:

Date: Day of the month

Note: Saturday is not a First Data processing day


Gross Active: Count of customer accounts that had a balance, a monetary posting or an authorization for the report date.

Daily Net Sales: Count and net amount of sale transactions posted to customer accounts.

Counts and amounts in this field are calculated as follows:


+ Sales Clearing Adjustments

+ Sales Adjustments

+ Charge Off Sales

+ Small Balance Charge Offs

+ Tax Exemptions

+ Sales Convenience Checks

+ Sales Balance Transfers

+ Finance Charge Debit ADJ-Clearing

+ Finance Charge Debit ADJ-Nonclearing

MTD Net Sales: Month to date count and net amount of sale transactions posted to customer accounts.

AVG Daily Sales: Overall average of daily sales for report date.

AVG Daily Sales/Acct: Average of daily sales per account for the report date.

NET Cash Advances: Count and net amount of cash advance transactions posted to customer accounts.

This field is calculated as follows:

Cash Advance Regular

+ Cash Advance (ATM)

+ Cash Advance Convenience Checks

+ Cash Advance Balance Transfer

+ Cash Advance Clearing Adjustment

+ Cash Advance Adjustment

+ Charge Off Cash Advance

+ Small Balance Charge Offs

MTD Net Cash Advances: Month to date count and net amount of cash advance transactions posted to customer accounts.

Net Payments: Count and net amount of payment transactions posted to customer accounts.

This field is calculated as follows:


+  Payments Clearing Adjustments

+ Payments Adjustments

+ Auto Payments

MTD Net Payments: Month to date count and net amount of payment transactions posted to customer accounts.

Daily Net Returns: Count and net amount of return transactions posted to customer accounts.

This field is calculated as follows:


+ Returns Clearing Adjustments

+ Returns Adjustments

MTD Net Returns: Month to date count and net amount of return transactions posted to customer accounts

Closing Balance: Count and amount of outstanding customer account balances at the end of the processing day.

The count of accounts included in this field are calculated as follows:


+ New Accounts

+ Type N Account Transfers In

- Deleted (month end only)

- Charged Off

+ Z Status Removed

Balance/Acct: Average balance per account.

Field is calculated as follows:

Closing Balance ÷ Closing Balance Accounts

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