Springboard Administration

Add Reports to a Report Role

From the Configure Reporting Roles screen, select the Reports link next to the reports role.



Note: All reports available for the financial institution will be listed.


Field Descriptions:

Product: Type of product the report supports.

Name: Name of the report.

Descripton: Text defining the contents of the report.

Standard: Field will be checked if the report is a standard First Data or CO-OP report.

Dynamic: Field will be checked if the report is a Dynamic Report.

Assignment: Box will be checked if the report is assigned to the report role.


To Add Reports to a Report Role:

  1. To reduce the number of reports available for assignment, filter them by selecting from the drop-down menu in the Report Product box.
  2. Check the box in the Assignment column next to the report(s) being added to the role, or click on the Select All link to add all available reports to the role.
  3. Click on Update.
  4. Click on Cancel.



Note: Four reports are assigned to the role but no users are assigned to the role in this example.