Springboard Administration

Add Users to a Report Role

From the Configure Reporting Roles screen, select the Users link next to the reports role.



Note: All of the financial institution’s Springboard users with access to view reports are listed.


Field Descriptions:

Username: Username asigned to the user.

First: First name of the user.

Last: Last name of the user.

Springboard Role: Springboard role assigned to the user.

Assignment: If selected, the user is assigned to the report role.


To Add Users to a Report Role:

  1. Filter available users by their assigned Springboard role. Select the role from the Springboard Role drop-down menu.
Note: Users within a Springboard role can all be assigned to the same reports role or users can be assigned to individual reports roles. 


  1. Select the box in the Assignment column next to the user(s) being added to the role. Select the Select All option to add all users to the reports role.
  2. Select Update.
  3. Select Cancel.



Note: Three users are now assigned to the role in this example.