From the Configure Reporting Roles screen, select the Users link next to the reports role.
Note: All of the financial institution’s Springboard users with access to view reports will be listed.
Field Descriptions:
Username: Username asigned to the user.
First: First name of the user.
Last: Last Name of the user.
Springboard Role: Springboard role assigned to the user.
Assignment: Box will be checked if the user is assigned to the report role.
To Add Users to a Report Role:
- Filter available users by their assigned Springboard role by selecting from the drop-down menu in the Springboard Role box.
Note: Users within a Springboard role can all be assigned to the same reports role or users can be assigned to individual reports roles.
- Check the box in the Assignment column next to the user(s) being added to the role. Click on the Select All to add all users to the reports role.
- Click on Update.
- Click on Cancel.
Note: Three users are now assigned to the role in this example.