Springboard Maintenance

Email Alerts

The MyCardInfo Secuirty Alerts function will allow the FI to:

  • Enroll a user for MCI Enrollment Email if it is not currently set up
  • Remove a MCI Enrollment Email
  • Toggle security alerts set up for the financial institution

To access Security Alerts, hover over the Maintenance tab. Select Security Alerts under MyCardInfo.


From this screen, you can toggle which alerts are turned on and off for each MCI user, enroll a MCI user in Security Alerts, edit email addresses for users already enrolled in Security Alerts, and disable a user's email.

Note: MCI Security Alerts must be enabled by the financial institution in order for this screen to appear. If your financial institution would like to enable MCI Security Alerts, contact your Velera representative. 


Enroll a User in MCI Security Alerts

  1. On the MyCardInfo Email Alerts screen, click Enroll for Security Alerts by adding a new email address next to the corresponding user.


  1. Enter the email address where the cardholder will recieve the alerts in the Email Address field. Enter again in Confirm Email Address.
  2. Read the Terms & Conditions to the cardholder. If the cardholder agrees, check the box next to Cardholder Agrees to Terms and Conditions.
  3. Click Submit.


Edit an MCI Email Address

  1. On the MyCardInfo Email Alerts screen, select Edit next to the corresponding user’s email address.



  1.  Update the email address.
  2. Click Update.


Disable an MCI Email Address

  1. On the MyCardInfo Email Alerts screen, select Disable next to the corresponding user’s email address.​