The company information screen displays after accessing a company from the search function.
To view sub accounts, click the plus (+) button next to the control account to show all associated sub accounts.
Company ID: Company identifier used to link accounts.
Company Memos (Annotations): Memos applied to the company record.
Icon Descriptions:
Contact Information: Individual listed for company inquiries that can speak on behalf of the company and make business decisions.
Current Balance: Dollar and cent amount of current balance.
Company (Family) Available Credit: Amount of available credit for all account associated with the company (family).
Credit Limit: Amount of maximum credit extended to the entire company (family).
Number of Account: Number of accounts linked to the company.
Type: Relationship indicator representing the type of company card.
Valid Codes | |
Control Account | The control account receives a consolidated statement of charges, and is responsible for paying on this statement. |
Sub Account | An account that rolls its charges nightly to the control account for billing purposes. |
Individual Account | An account where the cardholder is responsible for paying on their statement. |
Basic account information regarding company cards is available in Springboard. You can access control, sub, and individual accounts tied to companies. You can also search for a company using the designated SPA.
To access the account information screen for any of the company accounts listed, click on the account number hyperlink.
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