Springboard Manage

Edit Company

From the Company Information or Company Search page, select “Edit Company” from the Company drop-down menu.



A list of all companies under a specific SPA entered are displayed on this page.



  1. Click the Edit link for the company to update from the list. You will be navigated to an "Update Company" screen.
Note: The Springboard “Edit Company” feature must be turned on for the user before they can edit company information. Contact your Springboard administrator for details.





Note: The “Update Company” screen is identical to the “Create New Company” screen with the addition of the following fields.


Field Descriptions:

Billing Option:  Code representing how commercial cards are processed.

Valid Codes
C Commercial Card processing uses billing with interest calculation beginning on a constant day of the month, as set in the Company Card # of Days parameter in the Miscellaneous Agent Pricing section (PF PC AP) of the Product Control File.
D Commercial Card processing uses billing with interest calculation beginning a specific number of days after cycle time, as set in the Company Card # of Days parameter.
N Not a commercial card processor.
P Commercial Card processing uses billing with normal interest calculation.
R Commercial Card processing uses billing with normal interest calculation.
S Commercial Card processing uses billing with normal interest calculation. Code S becomes code P after nightly processing.


Statement Option: Code representing whether commercial card statements are sent directly to you or to your customers.

Valid Codes
0 Send commercial card statements directly to you. 
1 Send commercial card statements directly to your customers. 


Account Opening Date: Date when the account was opened.

Generation Date: Date that the account was generated.

Generation Code: Code indicates when monthly reports generate.

Valid Codes
C Account Cycle
M Month End


  1. Update the necessary company information. The fields with asterisks (*) are required. Click Next to proceed to the next page.
  2. Select Update Company.