This feature will allow you to create a new company for a commercial card account.
Sys/Prin/Agent: System, principal, agent identifiers of the company.
Name: Company name.
Company Identifier: Identifying number that represents the company.
Address: The company mailing address.
City: City of company mailing address.
County: County of company mailing address.
State: Post office state abbreviation of company mailing address. Use valid state or county code.
Zip/Post: Zip/postal code of company mailing address.
Fee Option: Code representing how annual fees are assessed and whether annual fees should be charged to individual customers or to the designated billing account.
Valid Codes | |
0 | Use annual fee amount to bill the account |
1 | Use annual fee amount to bill individual customers |
2 | Use sliding scale amount to bill the account |
3 | Use sliding scale amount to bill individual customers |
Inactive number of months: Number of months used to calculate inactivity on exception reports.
Annual Fee Amount: Leave this field blank to default to current PCF settings.
Billing Account Number: Account number for the company.
Report Fee: Amount charged to the company for more report copies than are the default.
Billing Cycle Code: Code that determines when the cardholder statement should be generated. When a cardholder has a cycle code that does not match the cycle code on the company record in this field, the account appears on the CD-345, Company Cycle Code Exception Report (2 positions)
Flexible Billing Code: Code representing which flexible billing option to use for this company.
Valid Codes | |
N | This company's billing periods end monthly. The code is the value that the system assigns to new companies. |
0 | This company's billing periods end monthly. |
1 | This company's billing periods end semimonthly. |
2 | This company's billing periods end weekly. |
9 | This company's billing periods are based on the setting in the Cycle Timing Code parameter in the Cycle Codes section of the Product Control File (PF SC CC). |
Billing Statement Code: Code indicating whether the company receives the statement billing file and at what frequency. Always input a “C” for Cycle.
Statement Suppression Code: If you use the Strategic Communications Solution (SCS) platform to create billing statements for commercial card accounts, you can prevent hard copy statements from being produced for selected types of accounts. The paper billing statement suppression option is also available to commercial card SCS statement clients who use flexible billing. Your suppression of paper statements has no impact on the generation of electronic statements.
Valid Codes | |
0 | Do not suppress the production of paper billing statements for commercial card accounts. |
1 | Suppress the production of paper billing statements for all commercial card accounts. |
2 | Suppress the production of paper billing statements for commercial card control accounts only. |
3 | Suppress the production of paper billing statements for commercial card sub accounts only. |
4 | Suppress the production of paper billing statements for commercial card individual accounts only. |
Blank | Use the Monthly Statement Suppression parameter in the Commercial Card section (AO AC CC) of the Product Control File to determine the types of accounts for which the production of paper billing statements is suppressed. |
Company Credit Limit: Amount of maximum credit extended to the entire company in whole dollar amount. (15 positions, Format: $1000 = 1000)
Company Credit Limit Percentage: Percentage of the company credit limit that when equals or exceeds the company will appear as a Credit Line Exception. (3 positions, Format: 090 = 90%)
Next Review Date: Month to review the company account history and status.
Valid Codes | |
01 | January |
02 | February |
03 | March |
04 | April |
05 | May |
06 | June |
07 | July |
08 | August |
09 | September |
10 | October |
11 | November |
12 | December |
Reviewing Officer ID: Officer responsible for reviewing the company account at the issuer location.
Credit Score: Code assigned based on the evaluation of the company's credit history.
Cardholder Balance Percentage: Percentage of individual cardholder credit line that the current balance must equal or exceed for it to report on the CD-349, Company Percentage Exception Report (3 positions). The value must be less than 201. (Format: 090 = 90%)
Balance Percentage of Unit AVG: Percentage of unit average that a cardholder current balance must equal or exceed for it to report on the CD-348, Company Percent of Balance Exception Report (3 positions). The value must be less than 201. (Format: 090 = 90%)
Account Opening Date: Date the account was added to the Company Card Master File.
PR Officer: Principal Officer of the company.
Company Contact Name: Contact name at the company.
Contact Phone: Company contact telephone number.
Fiscal Year: Month that the fiscal year end occurs.
Valid Codes | |
01 | January |
02 | February |
03 | March |
04 | April |
05 | May |
06 | June |
07 | July |
08 | August |
09 | September |
10 | October |
11 | November |
12 | December |
Contract Expiration: Month and year the company contract expires (Format: MM/YYYY).
Business Type: Code assigned based on an issuer-defined value to indicate the company’s type of business.
Nature of Business: Nature of business the company conducts.
Year Established: Year the company was established.
Number of Employees: Number of employees at the company.
Other Relationships Code: Code assigned based on an issuer-defined value to indicate other relationships that the company may have with the issuer.
Payment Responsibility Code: Code assigned based on an issuer-defined value to indicate who is responsible for payment.
Cash Access Code: Code assigned based on an issuer-defined value to indicate whether this company can use plastics for cash advances at automated teller machines (ATM).
Master Coverage Code: Code assigned based on an issuer-defined value to indicate whether the company has MasterCoverage.
ATM Access: Code assigned based on an issuer-defined value.
Smart Data Indicator: Code representing whether to include information about this company on the Mastercard Smart Data file.
Valid Codes | |
N | No, do not include information about this company on the Mastercard Smart Data file. |
Y | Yes, include information about this company on the Mastercard Smart Data file. |
Blank | Use the setting in the Smart Data Submission parameter in the Commercial Card section (AO AC CC) of the Product Control File. |
Air Reconciliation Code: Code assigned based on an issuer-defined value.
Company Override Strategy ID: User-defined identifier of a COV strategy.
Company Override Strategy Level: Code representing the level at which COV strategies are defined.
Valid Codes | |
C | Company |
S | System |
Fleet Reports Strategy Level Code:
GL Cost Center Identifier: Identifier of the general ledger cost center for this account.
External Status: Codes representing how to report balances of accounts with external statuses. Use this tool if you want to consider any external status code listed as “GOOD STATUS” vs “EXT STATUS.”
Valid Codes | |
0 | Include account balances in the GOOD STATUS column of the YBS and the YCL. |
1 | Include account balances in the EXT STATUS column of the YBS and YCL. |
Validate the following fields:
Check Scenarios below to validate fee options:
Fee Option 0 thru 3 selected = Make Annual Fee Amount and Billing Account Number required fields
Fee Option 0 or 2 selected = Make Billing Account Number required
Banner Name: Name of person or department to appear below the company address on report banner pages. It is recommended to refer to a department (Optional, 26 positions).
Mail Indicator: Code designating where FD mails specific Commercial Card reports.
Valid Codes | |
0 | Mail reports to the issuer |
1 | Mail reports to the company |
Report Name: Name of the report.
Report Flag: Code determining number of hard copy reports to generate for this company. Fill in a code for each of the reports listed. If you do not set these fields, the System automatically enters zeros. Do not enter anything for the CD-XXX reports which are reserved for future use.
Valid Codes | |
0 | Do not print report |
1 | Print one copy of the report |
2 | Print two copies of the report |
3 | Print three copies of the report |
4 | Print four copies of the report |
5 | Print five copies of the report |
Default: Code determining how many copies of each report to produce at no charge to the company.
Valid Codes | |
0 | Charge for all copies |
1 | Do not charge for one copy of the report |
2 | Do not charge for two copies of the report |
3 | Do not charge for three copies of the report |
4 | Do not charge for four copies of the report |
5 | Do not charge for five copies of the report |
Page Break: Code determining page breaks for each report. Optional field only available for selected reports.
Valid Codes | |
N | Company Level |
Y | Level of Totals |
Frequency: Code determining how often you want the System to generate reports. If you are allowed to tab to the field, then it must be completed with one of the following codes.
Valid Codes | |
A | Annually |
M | Monthly |
Q | Quarterly |
S | Semiannually |
Report Flag: Code indicating you are requesting one of the Commercial Market Analysis Reports.
Valid Codes | |
N | Do not generate a report |
Y | Generate a report |
Frequency (Commercial Market Analysis Reports): Code determining when you want the System to generate the Commercial Market Analysis Report.
Valid Codes | |
A | Annually |
Q | Quarterly |
Period: Time period on which Commercial Market Analysis Report information is based.
Valid Codes | |
C | Calendar year |
F | Fiscal year |
Logos: Code indicating whether the System should display the merchant category group heading icons and an issuer logo on Commercial Market Analysis Reports.
Valid Codes | |
N | Do not show the heading icons and issuer logo |
Issuer Description: Message text that displays at the top right side of Commercial Market Analysis Reports.
Issuer Logo ID: First Data-assigned identifier of the issuer logo that displays on Commercial Market Analysis Reports.
Late Fee Account: Identifier of the account to which late fees are set to divert.
Cash Advance Fee Account: Identifier of the account to which cash advance item fees are set to divert.
Overlimit Fee Account: Identifier of the account to which overlimit fees are set to divert.
Merchandise Fee Div Account: Identifier of the account to which merchandise item fees are set to divert.
Statement Fee Account: Identifier of the account to which statement fees are set to divert.
Interest Fee Account: Identifier of the account to which interest method fees are set to divert.
Credit Life Fee Account: Identifier of the account to which credit insurance fees are set to divert.
Bulk ID: Identifier of the address to which daily issue plastics are bulk shipped.
Mail Code: Code representing the shipping method for bulk shipments of daily issue plastics.
Report Language: Code determining whether First Data produces selected reports with titles and headings in English or Canadian French.
Valid Codes | |
E | English |
F | Canadian French |
Blank | English |
InfoSpan ID: Indicated whether the company participates in VCF/InfoSpanTM reporting.
InfoSpan Adderss: Code representing an electronic mailbox address at which clients receive transaction and account information.
Super company ID: Identifier of the super company to which your client is linked for InfoSpan reporting.
Commercial Card File ID: Code representing whether this company is included in, or excluded from, the Commercial Card File.
Valid Codes | |
H | Include hierarchy information for the company in the Commercial Card File (CCF). |
I | Refresh the company and account information in the Commercial Card File. |
N | Exclude this company from the Commercial Card File. |
Y | Include this company in the Commercial Card File. |
Blank | Use the setting in the CCF Usage Code parameter in the Commercial Card section of the Product Control File to determine whether to exclude this company from, or include it in, the Commercial Card File. |
Destination 1: Code representing an electronic mailbox address to which the System transmits the Commercial Card File.
Destination 2: Code representing a second electronic mailbox address to which the System transmits the Commercial Card File.
Parent Company ID: Parent Company System Identifier.
Parent Sys/Prin/Agent: Identifiers of the parent system/principal/agent.
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