Springboard Manage

Create New Message

Select “Create New Message” to generate a new Secure Exchange message.



Field Descriptions:

Send To: Select the individual to send the Secure Message to.

Contains Confidential Data:

  • Select Yes if the message contains any Cardholder Account Numbers.
  • Select No if the message does not contain confidential data. Selecting "No" will remove the manual account validation of attached files.

Subject: Abbreviated identifier for the purpose of the message. The system will try to prevent account numbers from being used in the subject line.

Message: Content of the Secure Exchange message. Secure Exchange will scan for account numbers in the message. Located account numbers will be validated to what the user can send and what the FI selected can receive.

Note: Messages with a couple of accounts can be placed into the message. For three or more accounts, send as an attachment. Ensure the field, “Contains Confidential Data” is check marked.


Press “Continue” to advance to the next step.