The Secure Exchange Search is used to filter and locate specific messages.
Select “Secure Exchange."
You can change your view of the Secure Exchange Search by choosing the :
Select Message Box: Select the box you wish to search: InBox, OutBox.
Search Criteria: This field will search all messages throughout your Inbox or Outbox. At least 3 characters must be entered into the field for a search.
Date Range: You can select by listed date range presets or enter a custom Start Date or End Date.
CreatedDate: This lists date ranges that include the date a message was created.
SentDate: This lists date ranges that include the date a message was sent.
Inbox Search Results: Shows the result from search options selected on the right of the screen. Press “View” to open the message.
Outbox Search Results: Shows the result from search options selected on the right of the screen. Press “View” to open the message.
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