Springboard Manage

Secure Exchange

The Secure Exchange allows for a secure transfer of messages with up to four Megabits of data to transmit through Springboard. This will allow for secure transmission of confidential information between your institution and CO-OP. This also allows for auditing of transferred messages.

For secure messaging without Springboard Access or with attachments greater than four Megabites, use Mail Express. For documentation on Mail Express, click here

Messages will remain in Secure Exchange for 90 days. After that time, the message will be purged from Secure Exchange.


Note: For information about managing recieving groups and unlocking users, view the Springboard Administration document. 


To access Secure Exchange, hover over the Manage tab and select Secure Exchange.


Field Descriptions:

Inbox: The Inbox will show new messages received through the Secure Exchange.

Outbox: The Outbox will show recent messages sent through Secure Exchange.

Status: The status shows the current position in the progression on sending the message.


Valid Codes
In Progress Occurs during the Create New Message stage. The message is started but has not been completed, sent, or sent for reviewCancelled = The user decided to ‘cancel’ before sending it to the Reviewer
Failed Account Validation Fails during message creation (either in the body or on an attachment)
Success Successfully Validated (if required) and ‘Sent’ to recipients