Springboard Maintenance

Update Cardholder

Cardholder account information can be updated in this section.

Hover over the Maintenance menu, under Cardholder select the Update Cardholder link. For separate entity clients, select the PI ID to update from the Account Information screen before proceeding to Update Cardholder. 


Personal Information Field Descriptions:

Note: All fields apply at the PI level or the cardholder that is currently selected.


First Name: Cardholder first name.

Middle Name: Cardholder middle name or initial.

Last Name: Cardholder last name.

Note: Mastercard and Visa will emboss 21 characters including spaces. See the appendix for truncation information.


Social Security Number: Cardholder’s social security number (Format: 000-00-0000).

Date of Birth: Cardholder’s date of birth (Format: MM/DD/YYYY).

Mother’s Maiden Name: Cardholder’s mother’s maiden name, limited to 8 characters.

Credit Bureau Code: Code representing the type of account for credit reporting purposes.


Valid Codes

1 Individual
2 Joint Contractual Responsibility
3 Authorizaed User
5 Co-Maker 
6 On Behalf Of
7 Maker
D Request Deletion from Credit Bureau Files
Q Donotreport
R Remove
T Terminator (For Restricted User Only)
X Deceased
Z Account Not Reported

Deceased Code: Indicates if the cardholder has passed away.

Note: Update the credit bureau reporting code to X to reflect the deceased status. Statements will still be generated.


Demographic Information Field Descriptions:

Note: See the appendix for proper format for military addresses.


U.S. Address: Select to enter a U.S. address.

Non U.S. Address: Select to enter a Non U.S. address.

Address, City, State, Zip: Cardholder’s address, city, state, zip.

Note: The first line should contain a street address or a business name. The second line should contain apartment number, P.O. Box, or other address information. If the business name is in the first line, the street address will be entered in the second line. Each line is limited to 26 characters.


Foreign Country: Cardholder’s country.

Override Address Validation: Select this option to override the postal address validation process.

Note: If an address change is submitted but does not seem to update and Springboard indicates that Fiserv is correcting the update, check the override address validation box and resubmit the update.


Invalid Address Indicator: If this box is marked, the account address has been flagged as invalid. The address needs to be updated before any orders can be placed, or before reporting the card as lost/stolen. 


Note: Your Springboard Administrator may need to enable the role “Report Invalid Address” for this function. This feature is only available to Non-Universal Addressing clients at this time.


Home Phone: Cardholder’s home phone (Format: 000-000-0000).

Business Phone: Cardholder’s business phone (Format: 000-000-0000).

Mobile Phone: Cardholder’s mobile phone (Format: 000-000-0000).

Fax Number: Cardholder’s Fax Number (Format: 000-000-0000).

Pager Number: Cardholder’s Pager Number (Format: 000-000-0000).

Home Email: Cardholder’s home email address.

Work Email: Cardholder’s work email address.

Card Information Field Descriptions:

Plastic Type Code: Determines the type of plastic to be issued to the selected cardholder such as plastic design, chip card, or fourth line embossing.

Additional Embossing Line: Use this line for company name if doing two line embossing.

Send Card to Cardholder: Check box to issue a plastic (if applicable).

To send a secondary card to the secondary cardholder's address, select Yes for "Send secondary card to the secondary cardholder's address." This ensures the secondary address is picked up for all card orders. Once this flag is set to "Yes," it remains set until it is changed to "No." 

Note: This address is only applicable to plastic orders for Separate Entity clients. 


Automatic Billing Updater Field Descriptions: 

Automatic Billing Updater: Identifies if the account is set up to automatically update participating merchants if the following are changed: account number, status code, expiration date. Both the financial institution and the merchant must be enrolled for the automatic updates to occur.


Valid Options
Opt In Account will be enrolled in the automatic billing updater feature and account changes (account number, status code, expiration date) will be sent to participating merchants.
Note: As a default, accounts will be Opted In.
Opt Out Account will be removed from the automatic billing updater feature and account changes (account number, status code, expiration date) will not be sent to participating merchants.
Note: This option is for those cardholders who request to be removed from the automatic billing updater feature.


To Update a Cardholder:

  1. Select the cardholder to update from the drop-down menu. For Seperate Entity clients, validate the correct cardholder is listed in the cardholder role field. 
  2. Fill out the cardholder information.
  3. Select the relevant credit bureau code for the cardholder from the drop-down menu (optional).
  4. Enter the number of plastics to be allocated to the cardholder in the Number of Cards field (optional).
Note: If the “Invalid Address” indicator is flagged on the account, the address must be updated before any changes under “Card Information” can be made.


  1. Select the plastic type code and enter any additional embossing information (optional).
  2. Select Send Card to Cardholder to emboss and send a plastic to the cardholder (optional).
Note: To have the secondary cardholder address enhancement enabled, please reach out to your designated contact or the Client Care team.



  1. Select an embossing option from the drop-down menu (optional).


Valid Codes
Emboss all with card activation required Sends plastics to all eligible cardholders. The cards will require activation before they are ready to use.
Emboss cardholder with no activation required Sends plastic to cardholder being edited. The card arrives ready for use without requiring card activation.
Same day plastic emboss all with card activation Sends plastics to all eligible cardholders. This option will deactivate all cards on the account. The new cards will arrive the next business day and will require activation before use.
Same day plastic emboss all with no card activation Sends plastics to all eligible cardholders. This option will not deactivate the current cards on the account. The new cards arrive the next business day and are ready to use without requiring activation.
Same day plastic emboss cardholder with card activation Select cardholder from drop down menu. This option will deactivate all cards on the account. The new card arrives the next business day and will require activation before use.
Same day emboss cardholder with no card activation Select cardholder from drop down menu. This option will not deactivate the current cards on the account. The card will arrive the next business day and is ready to use without requiring activation.


Note: You must manually charge the cardholder to pass along the rush fee for a same day plastic or regular rush order.


  1. Select Rush New Plastics to rush the plastic to cardholder (optional). Options visible can be customized on the Administration tab: First Data > Administration > Configurable Codes.




Note: When a rush code is selected, the screen will display a Charge Rush Fee check box. Select the box to charge a fee.


Valid Codes

B1 FI via First Class
BA FI via Airborne (DHL) (International Addresses only)
BC FI via certified mail
BF FI via Federal Express
BP FI via Postal Express
BR FI via Registered Mail
C1 Cardholder via First Class
CA Airborne (DHL) (International Addresses only)
CC Certified
CF Federal Express
CP Postal Express
CR Registered
PF Bulk Address via Federal Express
XA Saturday Airborne (DHL) (International Addresses only)
XF Saturday Federal Express
ZA Saturday to FI via Airborne (DHL) (International Addresses only)
ZF Saturday to FI via Federal Express


Note: See Appendix for Rush Card Timeframes.


  1. If Charge Rush Fee is selected, the following fields display. Fill out the merchant number, amount, and description.



  1. (Same day plastic only) Select a card activation code from the drop-down menu.
  2. (Same day plastic only) Select the PSD reason from the drop-down menu.


Valid Codes

Lost/Stolen Account Sends new plastic generated from a L/S report. The card arrives the next business day.
Replacement Plastic Sends new replacement plastic. The card arrives the next business day.


  1. Select Signature Required on Delivery to allows for a signature to either be required or not required on delivery (optional).
Note: This option will display for both rush and non rush, and can be selected for either. Depending upon what the financial has selected for their default settings for a rush, the box will automatically be checked if the FI selects signature required on delivery for a rush. If the FI has it set by default to not require a signature, the box will be unchecked for a rush. The user will have the option to either uncheck or check the box for a rush to override default settings.


  1. Select Send Card to Alternate Address to emboss and send the plastic to an alternate address, if applicable. Select U.S. Address or Non U.S. Address as appropriate (optional).
Note: This alternate address stays on the account for two weeks and will only affect the plastics. Statements and PIN mailers will continue to go to the billing address.


  1. U.S. Address


  1. Non U.S. Address
Note: This functionality is only available to clients who utilize universal addressing.



  1. Select Update to finalize the transaction.

If your financial institution does not require the following fields you may receive a warning message:

  • Social Security Number
  • Birth Date
  • Mother’s Maiden Name
  • Home Phone

These fields are not required by the system. Select Update again to proceed to the confirmation page.