Springboard Maintenance

Application Transaction Counter

The Application Transaction Counter (ATC), for PayPass clients only, sequentially tracks the number of times the embedded chip in the card is read during a contactless transaction. Use this screen to display and reset the ATC Master File records.


Note: When a card is reordered or reissued, the ATC counter starts at 001 when the first auth is done on the card.

The App Tran Counter will apply to the PI level. 


During ATC processing, the system will stop updating the counter for the following conditions:

  • The Dynamic CVV (dCVV) fails. The dCVV is a security code embedded in the chip. The dCVV code changes with every authorization making it harder for fraud to occur.
  • The difference between the ATC value on the card and the value on the ATC master file is zero or less than zero.
  • The difference between the ATC value on the card and the value on the ATC Masterfile is greater than the designated ATC Maximum Difference Amount.

To access the ATC counter, hover over the Maintenance menu, under the Risk select the App Tran Counter link.



AD-148, Application Transaction Counter Audit

The AD-148 report displays information about contactless chip cards and the automatic or manual transactions that changed the card status or the ATC value on the ATC master file. Use this report to research the ATC values received on an authorization.


Field Descriptions:

Member Seq. No: Number identifying the specific person on the account.


Valid Codes
01 Primary cardholder
02 Secondary cardholder
03 and higher Additional cardholder


Added Date: Date the card record was added to the ATC Master File.

Rep. Seq. Number: Card replacement sequence number that identifies each physical chip card that is issued.

Count: The number of times the card was read during a contactless transaction.


To reset the ATC counter:

  1. Access the ATC Counter screen.
  2. Click Reset.
  3. Click Confirm.
Note: Once reset, the ATC is synced with the chip on the next authorization.