Springboard Administration

Edit User

The Edit User feature allows the administrator to:

  • Edit user information
  • Change a user role
  • Reset a user password


To Edit an Existing User:

  1. Hover over the Administration drop-down menu then select Users.
  2. Select Options next the to applicable user to access the user options. 


  1. Select Edit User.



  1. Make any necessary updates to the user information.
  2. Select Update to confirm. 


To Reset a User's Password from the Edit User Screen:

  1. From the Edit User screen, select the Reset Password box.



  1. Enter the new password in the Enter Password field.
  2. Enter the new password again in the Confirm Password field.
  3. Select Update.
Note: The email address field is required for future enhancements to Springboard. The password is not automatically emailed to the user. It must be sent manually by the administrator.