Springboard Administration

Enable or Disable User Access

Disable User Access

A user's access to Springboard can be disabled by an administrator on the Users screen. 

Note: A user cannot be deleted; only disabled.


  1. Hover over the Administration drop-down menu then select Users.
  2. Click on Options next the applicable user to access the user options. 



  1. Select Disable User to disable a user's access to the Springboard application.



  1. Click on Proceed to confirm the action.


Re-enable a Disabled User

A disabled user can be re-enabled by an administrator using the following steps.

  1. On the Users screen, click on Options and select View Disabled Users.



  1. Click on Options next to the disabled user to re-enable.



  1. Select Enable User. A pop-up alert is displayed.


Screen capture


  1. Click Yes to proceed.