Springboard Administration

Change User Password

The Change Password opiton from the Users screen options drop-down menu allows the administrator to:

  • Manually update user passwords 
  • Auto-generate user passwords 


To Manually Update a User's Password:

  1. Hover over the Administration drop-down menu then select Users.
  2. Select Options next the applicable user to access the user options. 



  1. Select Reset Password from the Options drop-down list. 



  1. Enter the new password in Enter Password field.
  2. Enter the new password again in Confirm Password field.
  3. Select Change Password.
Note: The password is not automatically emailed to the user. It must be sent manually.


To Auto Generate a Password:

  1. From the Change User Password screen above, select the Auto Generate Password option.



  1. Select Change Password. The temporary password appears on the success screen. 


Note: The password is not automatically emailed to the user. It must be sent manually by the administrator.