Springboard Manage

Card Detail



Field Descriptions:

Plastic Stock Number: The inventory stock number for the plastic. Click on the number to redirect to the inventory status of that specific item.

Note: If your financial utilizes digital imaging, you will not be able to view your associated program image and the hyper links in the Plastic Package Stock Detail for plastic stock. This is due to the way that digital imaging is built at First Data.


Track #1: The information embedded into the track #1 of the magnetic stripe on the back of the card.

Track #2: The information embedded into the track #2 of the magnetic stripe on the back of the card.

Embossing Format ID: The raised or flat embossing format used for plastic.

4th Line Embossing Format: How the 4th line is formatted when it is raised embossed.

Front Ultra Graphic ID: The reference number for the front image utilized for the ultra graphic.

Front Ultra Graphic/Flat Embossing Color: The color utilized for the front ultra graphic.

Back Ultra Graphic ID: The reference number for the back image utilized for the ultra graphic.

Back Ultra Graphic Color: The color utilized for the back ultra graphic.

Flat Embossing Format: The format and layout utilized for the front embossing and 4th line embossing when the Embossing Format ID is flat embossing.

Back Embossing Format: The format and layout utilized for the back embossing.

Raised Plastic Tipping Color: The color used on the raised embossing of the plastic.

Note: If a field has a zero or N/A, then that setting is not currently in use.