Plastic Stock Number: The inventory stock number for the plastic. Click on the number to redirect to the inventory status of that specific item.
Track #1: The information embedded into the track #1 of the magnetic stripe on the back of the card.
Track #2: The information embedded into the track #2 of the magnetic stripe on the back of the card.
Embossing Format ID: The raised or flat embossing format used for plastic.
4th Line Embossing Format: How the 4th line is formatted when it is raised embossed.
Front Ultra Graphic ID: The reference number for the front image utilized for the ultra graphic.
Front Ultra Graphic/Flat Embossing Color: The color utilized for the front ultra graphic.
Back Ultra Graphic ID: The reference number for the back image utilized for the ultra graphic.
Back Ultra Graphic Color: The color utilized for the back ultra graphic.
Flat Embossing Format: The format and layout utilized for the front embossing and 4th line embossing when the Embossing Format ID is flat embossing.
Back Embossing Format: The format and layout utilized for the back embossing.
Raised Plastic Tipping Color: The color used on the raised embossing of the plastic.
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